*Disclaimer* This blog is full of blatant lies and contains images of people totally unconnected to any text that may sit above or below it ALRIGHT?! Contact Shampayne if you have a complaint about anything on here. Laters! x

Tuesday, November 01, 2005

The Fat Lady Sings

Hi everyone

Jay here. I just had to log on to Sham's blog and tell you the news. It's pretty awful and I know that Sham would be gutted if she just disappeared of the face of the earth without all of you knowing why.

Sham's operation this morning had serious complications. The surgeon responsible for the abortion had a panic attack when he was inside Sham's body cavity with a suction tube.

Unfortunately, he accidentally severed Shampayne's liver and it got sucked up into the vacuum. Sham died on the operating table and me and her other best mates just can't believe it.

As you know, Shampayne was poised to go on to a trip to Europe with Shelly and I. We had all quit our jobs and were going along to make sure that Sham was okay. She has been through so much heartache of late.

I know your *hearts* go out to her family at this difficult time, except for her father the closeted old bastard. Sorry, am still a little raw about that 'blind date' thingummy.

Please leave your messages of condolence. I'll print them out and put them on a wreath when the funeral gets arranged. Chanelle is going to the prison to break the news to her poor Mother.

Wish I could say something more positive.

But you know. Death. Bummer.

To use a well known phrase, "laters"

With love, Jay



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Goodbye to bad rubbish, I say.

7:57 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

If it wasn't under the surgeon's knife, she would have inevitably died from an overdose or choking on a cock or twelve.

Goodbye you old slag, we are going to miss you.

8:37 PM

Blogger Andy said...

I came to this party late and I've enjoyed it all.

RIP Shampayne

Now, where's that link to Colins Gaydar page again??

9:59 PM

Blogger Dom said...

Shampayne was a wonderful, vivacious woman who gave all of herself to everyone she met. While she had lately been going through a difficult time, with all her friends and relatives turning out to be bent as three bob notes, we will always remember her as the pretty, lively girl who brought a touch of glamour to the internet.

RIP Shampayne "Big Mac" McClusky. We salute you xxx

11:17 PM

Blogger Ms Mac said...

Goodbye Shampayne. I shall miss you.

Which gates are the floral tributes being laid at?

8:50 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

i was secretly in love with sham, i still love her

10:38 AM

Blogger kleverkloggs said...

I'm off to have a shower, and when I get out, I want to find that the last entry never happened. Or maybe she's been whisked up in a ufo ala the Colby's. *sniff*

11:51 AM

Blogger Lubin said...

Oh Shampayne, I'm gutted. We nearly got married once. It was probably for the best as I think you were too intellectual for me and I couldn't keep up with the quick-fire banter of you and your college pals.

Goodbye Shampayne
Though I never knew you at all
You had the grace to uphold yourself
While those around you crawled

And it seems to me, you lived your life
Like a bottle of cider in the bin
Never knowing who to cling to
When the rot set in
And I would have liked to have known you
But I was just a kid
Your liver burned out long before
Your legend ever did

6:15 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank you to everyone who has posted comments on here, I know that Sham would have loved the attention.

It's just a shame she had to die before she truly knew just how well loved she really was.

For those of you who were wondering, Colin has since committed suicide and Sham's dad has set about divorcing Sham's mum. She is fucking furious by all accounts, even though she's been a bit of a lezzer herself in the slammer.

What goes around, karma etc.


Jay x

3:34 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi there

Jay here again. The funeral was beautiful. We went to Co-op Funerals and they said that a burberry coffin lining would be totally okay with them.

Shelly paid tribute to Sham, and mentioned some of the more funnier moments. Sham's mum was allowed out of prison, but had to leave the service early after a huge fuck-off row with her estranged husband.

Lubin's poem was read out by Gordon, but he broke down after line three. I took over for him.

Someone said Vanessa Feltz was in the church, but I didn't see her. The publican at The Pink Pony turned up and said Sham was one of his best customers. Smirnoff agreed to sponsor the bunfight, as Sham had given them free advertising on the blog.

I don't remember much after 8pm, as I copped off with one of Gordon's friends from London. He was hung like a horse.

That's all folks.

9:38 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Shampayne was just a fucking fat waste of space. Thank fuck she has gone for good. Ta ra you old slag, at least you'll finally get thin now you're six feet under.

10:30 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Fucking hell, I had no idea she was dead. That will teach me to visit more regularly.

2:00 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

What a waste of space that girl was. A dead chav is better than a living one.

10:14 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

She was just a cunt, no-one should cry tears over that whore's demise. Fucker through and through.

10:06 PM

Anonymous Felicia said...

What a cunt she was. Hard to believe her carcass is still feeding the worms, such was its fucking ampleness.

12:49 PM


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