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Friday, October 28, 2005

The Truth Is 'Out'

So. The truth about Jay's new mystery man is revealed.

Its my dad.

Jay met him outside the multiplex at 8:00 last night as arranged, and it turns out that 'Dave, fit, 23' is actually my bloody father. Whilst Dad is a looker, I will give him that, he is not fit nor is he 23 and he shouldnt even be bloody well GAY either. Mom is gonna go apeshit when she finds out and she will.

I dont mind having bloody queer freinds and a poofy brother but my dad. Fuck. I just cant beleive it.

So - why have me and Colin split I here you ask. Well its simple. But I cant talk about it wihtout crying myself silly. I had better tell you more about the Jay/Dad episode.

After the bomb went off and Jay came round late last night to tell me the news about his blind date there was an almitey row between everyone. Only the dog wasnt directly involved but she managed to bark all the way through it all, noisy bitch.

Jay was calling dad a 'fucking closet' and then Charlie and Chanelle started leaping to Dads defence saying that it was cool to have a gay dad and that they wanted to live with him if there was a divorce. I then went apeshit at the twins for being so twattish. Charlie said that gays have much better taste with interoir decore and Dad wouldnt choose woodchip paper if Mom wasnt telling him what to do all the time. Fucking stupid bitches.

Those girls annoy me at the best of times but that comment realy took the biscit. I dont want Mom and Dad to split but I cant see her wanting to live with a bi or gay or whatever Dad thinks he is now. My head is spinning around.

So, Jay is alone yet again and Dad likes it up the chuff. I cant even begin to talk about my break up with Colin, its too upsetting. All I can say is that my family members have a lot to anser for and I will never forgive or forget.

Gutted (still)


PS Thanks to Emma and Dom for the comfoting words. I aprecaite it.


Anonymous Anonymous said...


This car crash you call 'your life' is just ridiculous.

Do us all a favour and top yourself bitch. It's not big and it's not clever.

6:11 PM

Blogger kleverkloggs said...

Fack off! Sham, it's coming thick and fast, the drama that is. I had a feeling I'm psycho you know, I mean psychic. Whatever I'm on you side er babe.

9:32 PM


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