*Disclaimer* This blog is full of blatant lies and contains images of people totally unconnected to any text that may sit above or below it ALRIGHT?! Contact Shampayne if you have a complaint about anything on here. Laters! x

Sunday, July 31, 2005

When Will I Be Famous

I cant answer. I cant answer that.

The DJ at Retro Heteros was playing this video on Friday night. I kinda wish I was around in the 80s as it seems that everything was more fun and fashion was much more stilish. Still I am only going on music and clothes. Lets not forget Thatcher and the bastard tories. They fucked up the 80s considarabley.

Yesterday Colin and I went to Birmingam for the day. I have done the nightlife there but aint done the shops and shit so we hopped on a train from MK to the *heart* of the midlands. Yous lot have all been nagging me for a piccie of Colin. So - due to populer demand here is my baby!

Isnt he a fucking dreamboat? I was dead proud to be seen out with him and LOADS of girls were all eyeing him up big time. I spent most of the day shoving them out the way and saying FUCKING FIND YOUR OWN BLOKE BITCH. Must be a Birmingam thing as girls there seem to be starved of any kind of male talent. All of the men in the Bullsring were minging. Totaly.

Colin said that he was gonna pay for the hole day and started off by cueing at the railway station. I told him to forget that and use the money for more important things like cloths and cds and mobile acesorys etc. Noone came to check the tickets on the way there so it just goes to show you dont have to pay for pubic transport. Result!

It pissed down all day so we were indoors most of the time. I have never been to Starbacks before, it was dead posh and they had these fucking posh cakes and sarnies that were bloody expensive. Must be because its imported from america or summat. We just had a coffee each as Col said we would have a Maccie Ds for dinner.

Col bought me a teeshirt from JD Sports. They were all in the sale and they didnt have my size on show but I found an XXL on one of the dummys, so I dismanteld the shop display and took the top off it. The girl on till three got dead arsey with me so I shouted at her DO YOU WANT PEOPLE TO FUCKING BUY ANYTHING OR WHAT. She called the manager and I got asked to leave. Not before helping myself to some sweatbands and a couple of keyrings. Result!

In town we bumped into this lad who looked like a right bummer who seemed to know Colin. Colin said he used to do aikedo with him at school. Its cool that Colin isnt scared of the gays as its important that he gets on with Jay and Clive and Josh etc. I dont want no homeofobic boyfreind as the Shampayne is a modern woman you know.

Had a supersize meal and a McFlurry. There doing a WillyWonka versoin at the minit cause of the film. I was joking with this woman on the next table that it wouldnt be the first time I had something creamy from a willy around my chops. She had no fucking sence of humor as she took her kids and moved to another table. Snotty cow. Fuck em fuck em all. I dont like Birmingam people at all so far. Except all the gays in The Nightingayle.

On the way home the train was packed so Colin and I 'upgraded' to first class. The ticket colectors never asume you havent got a ticket so we never got chalenged once. It was wierd though as the woman oposite had forgoten to put her top on and had been shopping in her bra. Take a look!

It was all too much exitement for Col, he flaked out about five mins after we had sat down. The woman with no top on got a bit pissed at me for eating one of those takeaway pizzas that they sell in the statoin concorse. Col bought it me as it was gonna be 90 mins before we could have our tea. Bless him hes such a romantic. Heres Col making the most of the first class seats. It makes me sleepy looking at this pic. I *heart* him already, I realy do!

Got back to the flat and everyone was out. Col isnt a naturel go getter so I helped him out by showing him my tits. He soon responded and took me nice and rough on the lounge floor. He has a nice big cock I am pleased to report and only needed a rest of about ten mins before he wanted to go again. Did me doggy stile over the edge of the sofa and we made so much noise that Shellys mom came down to see if everything was okay. I told her it was alright and what she thought was someone being murderd was actualy me cumming like I was being penetrated by a horse. She laughed and told me 'I hope your being safe Shampayne!'

Me? Safe? My idea of safe sex is to do it in a bus shelter.

Col did me a third and forth time and afterwards we had a bath. He realy likes titwanks too.

Result! Not only has the Sham got a good looking man he can also shag her senceless. I know your all pleased for me. God knows its been at least a month since I had any cock action.

Do let me know what you think of Colin. I do value your opinoin!

Laters x


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You dirty repulsive cow. I hope you get a whole host of STDs, just like you deserve.

People like you give women a bad name.

I'm never going to visit this site again, you're just a slut with a whore's mentality.

8:04 PM

Blogger Andrew said...

I have no idea who the near naked bitch is, but she had nipples like chapel hat pegs.

Jaymaster, you have loads of gorgous big cocked boys at your disposel. Colin is all mine, you and the gayers can do someone else instead. Apreciate that Colin has global apeal though. I mean, who wouldnt wanna fuck him?

Nicci, my foo foo was like a tidal wave the sex was that good! Wheres Emma got to? Nice to see you reading as much as Emma tho. Wheres Dom, he is such a nice boy and would make some nice gayer a lovely boyfreind.

God, get me. I *heart* everyone today. Must go and wash my bits. Colin is over after eastenders for a spot of hide the sausage!

7:02 PM

Blogger Andrew said...

Emma how come your sister stole your passport? Are you a twin? Why is she a knicker-less slag, did she forget to wash her smalls?

I am intriged now!

Hope you have a lovely time on hol. Are you and Luke playing hide the sausage too? Or are you planning on getting some forein dick? Hope you get your pasport sorted out. Thank Christ I got mine from my fuckbud at Subway Sarnies. He can get me anything like that, including currancy as you know. I love the power of a woman, as Eternal once sang.

Had grate sex with Col last night. He was so up for it. I like a bloke who has as much drive as me in the bedroom dept. He isnt so keen on going down on me but I aint that botherd when we have a dyson in the house. Result!

1:25 PM

Blogger Andrew said...

Oops, my mistake. Is Luke a gayer, Nicci?

Cant beleive you havent had it for a month. Your so pretty too. Whats wrong with blokes?

Dom does Oz. I bet he likes going down under huh?

Laters x

PS I *heart* the Trumpers!

2:34 PM

Blogger Andrew said...


As much as I simpathighs with you about your pasport, I do have to say your sister has all the makings of another Shampayne.

Her tactics were well deveous and whilst not to be admired, were clearly those of a scheming bitch in the making. She will give my Aunty Jean a run for her money when shes older.

Watch out for Ems little pants-free fraudster of a sista!

Laters x

6:12 PM

Blogger Dom said...

Oh Emma you poor thing. Do you think the Government would agree to the idea of sister culling??

Sham, I'm sure I'll make someone a lovely wife some time, but it's like buying sausages or something - you have to try all sorts to find out what kind you like. Know what I mean??

And as far as going down under's concerned - wash yer mouth out ya filthy cow!

Hearts + tongues


PS I am a little tipsy so don't blame me if it makes no sense.

10:05 AM

Blogger Andrew said...

Shit! I havent logged on for two days and now I have missed my pal Emma.

Still you would be proud of me as I have been in bed for two days...and not cuz I have been ill nether!!!

Good old Sham. I can hardly walk!

PS Buggerest sounds dirty. Can I go there too?

4:59 PM

Blogger Dom said...

Buggerest sounds like my kinda place...

Colin sounds pretty cool but remember not to move too fast so you can preserve an air of mystery (though it's probably too late for that advice!!)

12:22 PM


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