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Saturday, July 16, 2005

Who Are You Calling A Slag?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

As if it isn't already obvious.

5:32 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Shampayne you fucking whore, why don't you stop spreading your cheap brand of slagdom over the internet and leave it up to them that know better, like every orrifice aint just for sharing the latest strain of gonareea and klamidier. And I want that top back you wore at your birthday, it was me that nicked it from oasis, I didnt get banged up with that lesser Karen Spinks for nothing.

9:14 PM

Blogger Andrew said...

What top? I didnt ware your top, I stole my own from the store.

I am verluptuos unlike you, you fucking skin and bone skankbag.

I used the one I took from you to line the dogs basket.


1:39 PM

Blogger Andrew said...

I think its hilareous. I stole the idea from Whateva Sista.

Still, seems half my mates are worried about voting as they think niether of them apply.

I mean, its not as if I can monitor IP adresses or that shit. Jay says its easy, but in all honesty - botherd!

Its just a laugh innit.

6:32 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't think you're an English rose and neither do I think you're a slag.

You're just misguided.

6:33 PM


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