*Disclaimer* This blog is full of blatant lies and contains images of people totally unconnected to any text that may sit above or below it ALRIGHT?! Contact Shampayne if you have a complaint about anything on here. Laters! x

Thursday, August 11, 2005

Fuck Off Cafe Girl

Some skanky dirty evil misgided stinky feaces eating hoarbag i.e Cafe Girl and her STI ridden fan club The Cafeterias have been having a go at my mates from Trumpington Street.

If we are gonna start comparing real versus fake then examine the evidence if you will

Here comes the science!

Exhibit One - Dom

A fine specamin of manhood. Sits on the side of the church alongside Mark Almond, Jimmy Summervile, Julien Clarey and Graham Norten. Likes cock and has a bit of a thing for men in uniform, so had decided to become a paramedic in order to easily meet other chaps dressed up like The Young Doctors. Earned his nickname cuz of his prefered role in bed.

Verdict - real

Exhibit Two - Nicci

Currently studying to be a ballarina or was it a gernetic enganeer? I forget now but more importantly, she is extremely pretty - which is the one main qualaficatoin you need to get yourself a husband and nice things in this journey we call life. Top bird, can hold her drink and is best mates with Shampaynes most frequent visiter EMMA.

Verdict - fresher than fresh, exciting.

Exhibit Three - Emma

Total babe and Shampaynes Plaices most frequent and tresured visiter. Always on hand to post a comment and defend Shampaynes vertue when others are sticking the knife in (Trudie, Josie, Cafe Girl etc etc). Has her own grate websight about making poo sandwiches and likes dirty websights, witch is probebly why she is such a big fan of MY blog.

Loves boys but ocasionaly flirts with lesbianism - which makes her SO cool.

Verdict - Keeping it real

Exhibit Four - Ugly Bitch Cafe Girl

What can I say - ugly, bad hare, looks like a drag queen. Stinks of piss.

I think you will all agree with the Shampayne on this one. Who looks real and who looks fake?

Cafe Girl - you aint got it going on. Give it up girlfreind.

I can hardly be arsed to blog today, but her coments slagging the Trumpers off realy made my blood boil. Now leave me alone so I can flick myself off to the fit lads on Trisher.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hubba hubba!

Dom is delish. Where does he live and more importantly, is he up for it?

Dom, pass your email to Shampayne if you wanna know more.

2:04 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

The cafeterias, I love you too. Nice to know that theres some people with some brains. Trumpington street - What's that about? obveously made up kids tv street. Shampayne my cafeterias have got it right - stop trying to get simpathy from made up people. And as if that picture is of me. Your so full of shit Shampayne, nice to see your up to your elbows in old peoples fudge too. Result! to kuote you bitch.

8:27 PM

Blogger Dom said...

Cafe girl you nasty ugly twatty bitch, just PISS OFF. We are all real and all fed up of your whining you hairy bint.

In the words of my heroine Sham - botherd.

Now if you'll excuse me, I have to catch a plane to Sydney.

Love on ya Sham!

11:55 PM

Blogger Andrew said...

Am so totaly loving the names of cocktails in Japan or wherever you have been Emma!

Sex In Disabled Tiolet.


PS Emma am missing you loads, come home soon x

10:31 PM


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