*Disclaimer* This blog is full of blatant lies and contains images of people totally unconnected to any text that may sit above or below it ALRIGHT?! Contact Shampayne if you have a complaint about anything on here. Laters! x

Friday, May 27, 2005

She said revenge can be so sweet

Hello to the Shampayne Jet Set!

God its been a right week. My beauty coarse is going dead well and i am pleased to say that Mrs McConville has only given me a bollocking three times this month. Things are realy looking up. In january i got told off for scalding this old bags scalp when washing her hare. After been told i could get expeld from the collige if i swore again in front of customers i decided to be a good girl. Its hard ya know not to eff and jeff at beuaty school cuz its like second natchure to me.

I got into Mrs McConvilles good books when we was learning about promoting business on the internet. When she finds out Ive got my own websight she was well impressed. She has even managed to get me some web sponsors - which is basicaly adverts on the page and shit. Ive been paid £25 just to paste this pic on 'Shampaynes Plaice'. Excelent!! I can now get rat arsed during bank holiday without having to blag pints off Shel and Jay! Nice one!

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Now you no some foke out their think Shampayne is a chav and a skanky old cow. I dont care what people say but if there gonna post that shit on my websight then i am going to exact my revenge (thanks for that frase Shell!) One such bitch is Josie who keeps posting rubish comments. Let me tell ya - you aint gonna win this one lady. Thanks to Shannon, your former best freind, Ive got a picture of you that you would rather forget.

Lets tell the story of when Josie went to Mark Filbys 18th party and copped off with Shannons boyfreind T-Jay in the utilety room. Shannon found Josie getting fingered on top of the spin drier - slag. Josie has always found it more intresting to steal other girls fellers than get one who is single. I think they call that prostitution in some countrys. Anyway - Josie got smacked in the gob and then got bladderd on two glass of White Lightening before passing out on the settee.

Look what happend next!

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Just wanted to say, it could hapen to anyone Josie so dont you get upset about several hundred people seeing you wet yourself in a drunken stewpor. Tramp!

One of my readers, who wanted to be anonimous, has posted a comment accusing me of being a fowl mouthed cow. Let me just warn you - Shampayne has contacts, Shampayne can find out who you are, Shampayne can post a piccie of you in a compermising persition.

Dont diss the Shampayne. Shampayne rules.

Laters x


Blogger Dom said...

Noooooo! Don't hurt the pussy cat!

3:01 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

You fucking cow. Just you wait McClusky. Bastard bitch.

8:58 PM

Blogger Andrew said...

Ha ha ha x 1,000,000

You had it coming BITCH.

9:07 PM


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