A taste of Shampayne
I still cant beleive that over 600 people have read this web blog thing already. I never expected more than Jay, Shelly and maybe Josh to visit it. Still, you can never bank on popularity. I still reckon it will all blow up in my face and the readership will drop right off by next weekend.
Some vile bitch slags out there are saying that Shampayne isnt real and that this blog is all bollocks. Well let me tell you something - I am fresher than fresh, exciting - and Im 100 persent for real. So suck my dick all you doubters and go out and do something less boring instead.
One of my readers has asked me for a childhood picture. Probably because he is some sort of sick wierdo that likes to jerk off to kiddie porn or summat. Just kidding James!!! Your dead nice realy ;-)
Anyway, heres a pic of me aged 8 at my Moms birthday party. My favourite record was 'Dreamer' by Living Joy. Whatever hapened to them? One hit bloody wonders. Still love that song. Me and Shelly made a dance routine for it and theres a video somewhere of us practising. Happy days!
Anyways if any of you lot want to email me you can send marriage perposals, love letters etc to ShampaynesPlaice@aol.com.
Laters! x
Can see why you've ended up like the back of a bus, you big greedy guts.
11:37 AM
God Shampyane, have you never even heard of Jillan Mercevitt. You wanna take notice of what she says cause otherwise your gonna end up a right minger. I think I mite know Jaysons sister. Is she a bit older than him and looks a bit like a horse.
2:03 PM
Who the shag is Jilln Mercevitt. If she wants a fight then tell her to text me on 07774 598750.
12:54 PM
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