Every dog has her day
Shelly told me the terrible news this morning. Someone has broken into Trudies house and kidnaped her cherwower. I know Ive spellt that wrong but you know what I mean.
Seems someone with a vendeter against Trudies family got into the house during Saturday afternoon stole two bottles of vodka did a poo in the kitchen sink and stole the dog.
Because Trudies dad can still pull some strings he managed to get Trudie a spot on local radio making some stupid plee for 'Briony' to be returned. BRIONY? BRIONY!! What the fucking hell was she thinking calling a dog 'Briony'. Duh.
Im dead pissed at the news that Trudies dad has been given some contract working with the mare of Milton Kenes as an adviser or something. Some bastard tory will have said 'give the man a job'.
Anyway at least Trudies not going to be homeless. Her moms finaly showed her mug in Morisons again saying she went to some friggin health farm after the election. Yeah right. More like crying 24/7 and drinking jack daneils morning noon and night. Bitch.
Still the police havent found out where the dog is. Who would be such a hartless bastard to steal someones dog just for fun.
Poor Trudie. My simpathies are with you right now.
I bet you stole that fucking dog, you crafty bitch.
Feeling hungover from copious amounts of Stolichnaya today, are we?
You're outrageous, Shampayne McCluskey, but we love you.
9:39 PM
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